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Digital Rights Management - impact on Streaming ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2006 20:02
by polyphemus
Belatedly, DRM is just beginning to sink in - I know - I'm getting old, slow and confused.....

As I understand it, MS want to get the industry to move to a situation where the PC box would only display the video on a Monitor (or TV etc) which had the corresponding licence(s) / permissions etc etc. (or possibly, the Monitor/TV/whatever would only only display stuff for which it had the correct authority - I don't know)

Anyway - if they move to such a model, where does 'streaming' stand?
- currently I can use VLC to stream a DVD to any (and all) PCs on my network
- surely a move to the above model could really bugger this up...

Clarification / wisdom etc etc greatly appreciated.
