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Messed up subtitles (line splitting not performed) pic inc.

Posted: 08 May 2004 01:52
by MikeBell
Has anyone experienced this:


Looks like a line of text from the sub (srt) file is not being split properly.

I run VLC 0.7.2 test2 under 10.3.3.

Posted: 09 May 2004 07:21
by MikeBell
no one?

Posted: 10 May 2004 12:58
by Sigmund
VLC does not currently split lines in subtitles. This feature has been discussed, but not implemented

Posted: 11 May 2004 03:36
by MikeBell
VLC does not currently split lines in subtitles. This feature has been discussed, but not implemented
Thanks for letting me know... I hope this is implemented... all of the tools I tried output stuff this way.