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S L O W - live camera has 2 second delay!

Posted: 14 Apr 2006 14:32
by bbishopski
I have a video camera that can be controlled via RTSP. It outputs either MP4 or Motion JPEG.

VLC decodes both properly, but there is a major delay - like 2 or 3 seconds. When I use the embedded ActiveX control that came with the camera... no delay (it's not CPU).

I can't find any command line parms that help. I've tried ffmpeg with no buffering.

Any help would be appreciated.

(running version 0.8.5-test2 on Windows)

Not version or machine Dependent

Posted: 14 Apr 2006 14:56
by bbishopski
Tried running on a different machine. Also tried running a few older versions of VLC.

CPU is 20% with VLC running.

Same results - nasty 2-3 second delay.

I'm hoping someone will clue me in on a command line parm to disable some jitter buffer.


Posted: 14 Apr 2006 21:12
by The DJ

default value in VLC is 3 seconds. lower the value, get less delay, get less reliability