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Subtitles font problem
Posted: 23 Nov 2003 22:23
by wahlis
Whenever I try to load a movie with a subtitle file i get the message "freetype error: failed to load font file e:\movies\default8x16.psf" The font is in the correct place and accessible so I can't really understand why it can't be loaded.
Any suggestions?
Posted: 23 Nov 2003 23:01
by The DJ
Probably because the file is in a format not understood by VLC.
I have no clue what a psf font is, but simply try a .ttf font on your system. That usually works
Posted: 23 Nov 2003 23:19
by Lukas
.psf is a PC Screen Font if I recall correctly mainly called so under Linux systems. I too would suggest going with a standard truetype font (.ttf). Your sub file might be specifying the font... since you get a path error. Never seen it happen so I can't say but that is what I would check.
Posted: 25 Nov 2003 17:27
by Dnumgis
A psf file is as far as I know the font format used by the linux console. Freetype2 is able to read them, but vlc doesn't handle bitmap fonts very well. It also doesn't handle fonts that use another encoding than unicode.
"Your sub file might be specifying the font... since you get a path error"
This never happens in vlc's current implementation.
As people have allready said, try a ttf font
Posted: 25 Nov 2003 18:35
by MaC
Try downloading the latest version of VLC. I've had no problems with 0.6.2