vlc frame-by-frame step button

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vlc frame-by-frame step button

Postby videokan » 27 Mar 2006 00:03

does vlc media player have a frame-by-frame step 'play' button (sort of like Media Player Classic)? If it does, where can I find it?


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Postby goblynn93 » 27 Mar 2006 13:02

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Postby KevinP » 27 Mar 2006 15:21

In fact the standard API of vlc is working frame by frame. But inside vlc is using nanosecond.
By using MediaControlAPI, you could use ms. It's not frame by frame but it's better than nothing. You can use snapshot with this API in order to get image that are in the buffer.

You will find more information about the api here : http://wiki.videolan.org/index.php/MediaControlAPI

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