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VLC media player 0.8.5-test1 beta release

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 00:16
by xtophe
Dear VideoLAN users,

The VideoLAN team is happy to announce the first beta version of VLC 0.8.5.

Highlights of the new features and improvements:

* Statistic system
* Linux port
- DV input
- Audio CD improvements (CDDB)
* MacOSX port
- MacIntel support
* Video filters
- Magnify, gradient
- Subtitle outlining improvements
* Interfaces
- New AJAX http interface
- wxWidgets improvements (Drag'n Drop, VLM)
- Winamp 2 skin support
- OSX (Embedded video output)
* Various
- Cook real audio codec
- Podcast
- MSN, Growl plugins
* Dev
- Java bindings
- ability to build as a share lib

And loads of bugfixes.

You can get a complete list by reading the release notes:

Binary packages are already available for Windows and MacOS X (ppc & x86). You can
download those and the source code as well on: ... 8.5-test1/

Remember that this is a beta version. Please test it heavily and report
bugs. Known bugs are registered in the trac database:

For the VideoLAN team,

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 02:35
by Guest
On your server
you should enter the line

Code: Select all

IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort FoldersFirst NameWidth=*
in your httpd.conf
or in your .htaccess file.

It will make sure the viewer sees the entire filename.

And please, don't wait a year before adding it, it's really nothing and saves us all a lot of annoyance. ;-)


Posted: 14 Mar 2006 04:19
by chaimav
The stream no longer plays (it worked fine in 0.8.4)
The error I get is:
Unable to open
WinXp Pro

Other than that, I like the GUI changes. Keep up the good work!

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 08:02
by zorglub
chaimav: as a quick workaround, play :

Code: Select all

(just remove the "h").

This bug should be fixed in test2.

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 10:33
by Guest
Where is the VLM's scheduling interface?
i found only the basic vlm(in WxWidgets)

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 11:18
by chaimav
chaimav: as a quick workaround, play :

Code: Select all

(just remove the "h").

This bug should be fixed in test2.
Thanks for the reply, the work around works :D

P.S. Why does the equalizer not work for this stream (it never has)? Will this ever be changed?


Posted: 14 Mar 2006 11:35
by Foraging Ferret
I am using VLC on a 20" iMac Core Duo (ATI Radeon X1600 256MB) running MacOSX 10.4.5. I am posting to let you know that the choppy playback of Xvid files in VLC 0.8.4 has been fixed with the release of VLC 0.8.5 (x86 version for OSX).

Thanks for all the hard work. Then new version looks great!

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 12:06
by zorglub

the WX interface does not support scheduling (yet, at least)

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 12:09
by zorglub
chaimav: I haven't checked, but I suppose your stream is 48kHz or something like that.

At the moment, the equalizer only supports 22kHz and 44.1 kHz. It shouldn't be too hard to add support for other formats (just need to add some tables).


Posted: 14 Mar 2006 14:19
by chaimav
chaimav: I haven't checked, but I suppose your stream is 48kHz or something like that.

At the moment, the equalizer only supports 22kHz and 44.1 kHz. It shouldn't be too hard to add support for other formats (just need to add some tables).

It says Sample rate: 22050 Hz (From 'Stream and media info' window)

RTSP break.....

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 16:57
by Miguel_ULPGC
The RTSP protocol in VOD, don't work corretly.......

BUG: VLC 0.8.5-test1 is not able to stream using vcodec=mp4v

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 17:33
by isidro
Dear All,

This is a true bug. I'm following instructions so that a Developer or a
Forum Mediator reports this bug. Here the bug’s description:

Environment Information:

Operating System: Windows XP SP2
Processor: Pentium M, 1.4GHz, IGB RAM. (Notebook)
VLC Version: 0.8.5-test1

VLC 0.8.5-test1 is not able to stream using vcodec=mp4v.

Detailed description:

VLC 0.8.2 and 0.8.4.a makes the following command line works beautifully:

vlc dshow:// :dshow-vdev="Logitech QuickCam for Notebooks Pro" :dshow-adev="Logitech Mic (Notebooks Pro)" :dshow-size="320x240" :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=512,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=64,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=localhost:1234}}

VLC 0.8.5-test1 reports the following errors instead:

VLC media player 0.8.5-test1 Janus
[00000290] ffmpeg encoder error: cannot open encoder
[00000279] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot find encoder

Additional information:
This is reproducible in other environments such as desktops windows 2000.
The same problem happens with other web cams manufacturers such as Creative and Phillips.

This subject has been exhaustively discussed in Forum (<viewtopic.php?t=17500&highlight>= ).

I hope someone takes it into account or this extraordinary VLC’s feature will be lost forever.



Posted: 14 Mar 2006 17:40
by dionoea
We have a known issue with mp4a in 0.8.5. i'm not sure if it's encoding or decoding though.

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 19:26
by isidro
OK, but take into account that the problem I refer to is with “vcodec=mp4v”. If you try the same command replacing “vcodec=mp4v” by "vcodec=DIV3", keeping “acodec=mp4a”, it works but I and other VLC users would like to have mp4v back again.



red and blue swap

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 21:09
by jopie
The red/blue problem has not yet been removed regrettably! :cry:

When I try to capture via my Pinnacle PCTV card the following happens:
only display: all colors are normal;
display and access=file (recording to a file): red and blue colors swap (blue faces and red jeans!) green is OK;
no display and only acces=file (recording to a file): red and blue swap (blue faces and red jeans!) green is OK.

This is only the case in VLC versions 0.7.2, 0.8.4a and 0.8.5 test1
If I use 0.7.1 there is no problem!

I hope it can be solved in the final 0.8.5 version.


MacOS X 10.4.4 - 0.8.5-test1

Posted: 14 Mar 2006 22:08
by geo
MacOS X 10.4.4 - 0.8.5-test1 (PPC)

While playing an AVI (XVID/mpga), clicking in the progress bar to go to a different frame, about 1 second after the jump is made and starts to play there is a view of some previous few frames. This just appears as a glitch after you've seeked to a different part of the file.

So the + button puts an empty folder in my playlist, but I cannot get info about it to change the name. The properties offered are from a different playlist item.

It would be nice to have the info window stay displayed when VLC is not the frontmost app.

Check for update: Poor wording, should be "An updated version of VLC is available." With perhaps fields for the installed version and the latest version. Should there be a "Check for update on launch" checkbox on that window?

Contextual menu on a playlist folder : "Preparse" wording is odd. Perhaps this should be "Refresh".

Stats window is fantastic!

RSS!! wow!

Great work guys!


Re: RTSP break.....

Posted: 15 Mar 2006 01:24
by The DJ
The RTSP protocol in VOD, don't work corretly.......
Dude details!!!!!! What the hell are we supposed to do with this ?


Posted: 15 Mar 2006 02:00
by Miguel_ULPGC
When you play a rtsp object in a player, for example VLC, you can`t move the reproduction.
If you move the reproduction's cursor, the reproduction don`t change, is the same.
(Sorry for the language but I`m a student from spain)


Posted: 15 Mar 2006 02:10
by The DJ
do you have an example link ?

Posted: 15 Mar 2006 10:10
by neor
caracteres doesn't work on web interface

é à è :(

you can do anything?

path to vlcrc win32

Posted: 15 Mar 2006 10:14
by Albert
I tried to save preferences for win32 nightbuild vlc-0.8.5-test1-20060315-0001 and here are the messages:

Code: Select all

main error: could not create C:\Documents and Settings\Albert\Application Data/vlc (No such file or directory) main debug: opening config file C:\Documents and Settings\Albert\Application Data/vlc/vlcrc
Preferences are saved, but vlc doesn´t remember last opened files or network streams.

Posted: 15 Mar 2006 21:15
by Foppah
Thanks for the great work with VLC 0.8.5... You all supprised me with new good functions!

Posted: 15 Mar 2006 21:24
by Guest
Still no Namewidth=* on the webserver (see my earlier post).

geez, how lazy are these admins?

Can't find httpd.conf or something?


Posted: 15 Mar 2006 21:34
by Guest
Still no Namewidth=* on the webserver (see my earlier post).

geez, how lazy are these admins?

Can't find httpd.conf or something?
You ungreatful git! :o
Thanks for all the hard work, great bit of software, but i can't be bothered to hover the mouse over a link and read the status bar!!!

Delay on pause, and seek

Posted: 16 Mar 2006 00:04
by cmonster32
I noticed that with the 0.8.5 series (at least the 3/12 nightly and test1) that when I hit pause on most files, there is a delay before it stops playing and when it does the video and audio stop at different times. When I resume play it exibits a similar behavior. When I seek, it takes a couple seconds, then it starts the video. I reinstalled the 0.8.4a version and it does not exibit this behavior, except with a couple file types that have always seemed to have an issue with pausing imediatly. Since a lot of what I use VLC for is watching fansubed anime, it is sometimes very useful to be able to stop the video right where you want to read a long subtitle, or editor note.

Has anyone else seen this?