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VLC Webbased playlist voting system

Posted: 19 Feb 2006 13:14
by BlaxLash
Hi everybody,

Did anybody ever think of an online voting system, so that your viewers can vote for items on your playlist and then it gets inserted in the playlist automaticly? I tried to search for this function, but as i figured, it hasn't been written yet. Before I start coding, I first wanted to know if nobody wrote anything like this.

Re: VLC Webbased playlist voting system

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 06:24
by knuxsonic
Hi everybody,

Did anybody ever think of an online voting system, so that your viewers can vote for items on your playlist and then it gets inserted in the playlist automaticly? I tried to search for this function, but as i figured, it hasn't been written yet. Before I start coding, I first wanted to know if nobody wrote anything like this.
I know I'm digging this thread out of a huge grave, but does anyone know of any plugin or mod for VLC that does this? Or any program at all?