My videos are in the $$ folder of my Windows PC. $$ has different directories and subdirectories
With the command start VLC F:\$\$TX\$$
VLC will play all the videos that are in the folders and subfolders of $$
With the "N" key (NEXT) we go to the next video
With the "P" key (PREV) we go back to the previous video
With the Shift + S key we take a snapshot that takes the name of the video and the complete PATH to find it
We can thus quickly review a large number of videos
BUT if the number of videos is too large this method is not applicable
On the principle of --start-time <integer> and --stop-time <integer>
we could have to review the videos in packets of 100 for example
start VLC F:\$\$TX\$$ --start-video 1 --stop-video 100
start VLC F:\$\$TX\$$ --start-video 101 --stop-video 200
start VLC F:\$\$TX\$$ --start-video 201 --stop-video 300
I didn't find this feature in VLC but maybe there is a way to achieve this result?
If anyone can help me?
Kind regards