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Posted: 23 Jan 2006 16:14
by Freccia
sorry for my english...

when i save with VLC a video into a file using MPEG TS. i can't open my new file with other programs (like windows media player, virtualdub or others...).

Only VLC can open it.

Someone can tell me why??? And how can i do to make it openable from other programs??

Posted: 23 Jan 2006 21:48
by dionoea
very few mediaplayers understand mpeg-ts. You should try quicktime. (but VLC is fine)

Posted: 25 Jan 2006 08:07
by JMS
Hmm, actually I can play 'normal' TS files with quite a lot of players on my XP Pro SP2. Beside VLC there are Nero ShowTime, Media Player, Media Player Classic (MPC), DVBViewers TSPlayer. Even a simple Render Media File in GraphEdit.exe works fine.

At least the free MPC would be worth a try to see if the format generated by VLC is acceptable. As far as I know VirtualDub and even the MPEG2 variant from fcchandler can't do this at all.