Long story short, i need to select/play items in playlist directly.
Not as prev/next control. But by direct position as it have on screen list, not in program memory (which have different indexes, esp. if playlist cleared/reloaded, i see it via telnet).
Ideally by hotkey.
Bookmarks currently implemented are works far different from what i need (by name, not index, and are playlist-dependent).
My goal is use IR remote handset digits (works as 0...9 numpad) to select directly n-th playlist item exactly as they displayed, regardless of clear/reload/search-filter.
I will write normal (not sandbox) feat. req. post if you think my question is adequate and this feature was not abandoned earlier, which info i can't find.
I am able to recompile, but current, both arch- and vlc-, gits are not compiles.
I need it for vlc 3.0 branch, please. I use recent archlinux and vlc 3.0.20-8.
I very love VLC for prof. fine-tuning set. This is only player i see which makes near-HD picture from SD television by combination two its videofilters (most noticeable at 2D cartoons). Thank you for your work!