Postby bsgde » 16 Mar 2023 21:22
Hi all,
Sorry to revive this thread, but as this isn't covered in documentation anywhere that I can find I was hoping a contributor to the project or a developer could give me a hint.
I am hoping to be able to pass the ffmpeg argument "seekable=0" to VLC through VLC's preferences menu (as opposed to the CLI, to reduce complexity for users) using Advanced > Input/Codecs > Video Codecs > ffmpeg > Input > Advanced Options. The idea being that supplying "seekable=0" will speed playback by preventing the player from requesting all the index data for files of a certain type before beginning playback.\
Attempts to provide an argument in the fields provided in the app does not seem to succeed and I can't find anything in the logs to suggest where I may be going wrong. What is the correct method to supply arguments to ffmpeg using this method?