Problem Using Record Function to Create Clips

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Problem Using Record Function to Create Clips

Postby pyeager56 » 02 Dec 2022 22:56

I have used the record function of VLC for years to create clips from surveillance video files an hour in length.

In the past, using files downloaded from Amcrest and cheap no-name Chinese DVRs, this has always worked well.

I recently built a server to use as a DVR with 120 TB of RAID10 storage. I loaded some DVR software on to the server and started recording.

The files saved on the server play just fine, but creating clips with VLC doesn't work. The resulting files seem to be an appropriate size, but a recording of a minute of the source video plays in under a second.

The software vendor says "report it to VLC as a bug". I am not convinced that it is in fact a bug.

The vendor also says "try HandBrake" (which works but isn't as easy to use - I need a solution that non-techies can use) and "try MKV Splitter" (which crashes when trying to load a file).

This might be a clue: If I take a file from the new server and process it with

Code: Select all

ffmpeg -y -i $infile -ss 00:00:00 -t 01:00:00 -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 -filter:v "setpts=1*PTS" $outfile
it plays fine, and I can create clips with the VLC record function.

The same command without -ss and -t has no efffect.
This isn't an acceptable long term solution, as the non-techies aren't going to run ffmpeg on every video they handle.

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