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Problems Converting .TS to MP4

Posted: 28 Sep 2022 07:56
by robert9
I have a large TS file. VLC shows 5 files. The first time I tried to convert it to MP4 from a DVD, there was no sound. 2nd time there was sound, but it only converted the first one - VTS_01_1, none of the other ones. The first one has a 15-minute section, then a 10-minute section and then a 30-minute section. I tried several times. Sometimes it skips the 2nd section video, so the voice doesn't match the video. I copied the TS files to my PC and tried to convert them from there. 3 of them - VTS 2,4,5, worked fine, but the first one still only gives me the first part. Twice it gave me all three sections but no sound for the last part. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Re: Problems Converting .TS to MP4

Posted: 28 Sep 2022 10:17
by Lotesdelere