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VLC 3.0.16 cannot display this webm video despite of browsers like chrome and firefox displayed it

Posted: 29 Jul 2022 09:07
by Trung0246
Hi, apparently this video file will show nothing on the vlc player, not sure if specific to windows only since I'm using that version so that's why I posted this here. Can anyone confirm?

Try to play this file in the browser first then download it and play it in vlc: ... XPAND.webm

Honestly I suspected that this case is an abuse of webm standard, but not sure which part.

Re: VLC 3.0.16 cannot display this webm video despite of browsers like chrome and firefox displayed it

Posted: 29 Jul 2022 10:12
by Lotesdelere
This video is named Expand for a good reason: it enlarges its width non stop while playing.
MPV is playing it like browsers do and FFplay has chosen a static window with the height of the video getting smaller and smaller. But VLC doesn't like it at all, we can see the window going wider and wider but with no image at all.

You should create a new report ticket on the VLC Trac with your above report, the link to your sample file and the link to this thread:

Re: VLC 3.0.16 cannot display this webm video despite of browsers like chrome and firefox displayed it

Posted: 29 Jul 2022 20:06
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
VLC does not handle format changes very smoothly, and there are absolutely no chances that it will improve in VLC 3.0.x. That would be way way too dramatic change for a stable release. And beyond that, it's pretty much a well known limitation, so TBH, filing a bug would kind of a waste of your time.

You could try to set fullscreen mode to prevent the window resizing, but there will probably still be problems.

Re: VLC 3.0.16 cannot display this webm video despite of browsers like chrome and firefox displayed it

Posted: 31 Jul 2022 09:22
by Trung0246
You could try to set fullscreen mode to prevent the window resizing, but there will probably still be problems.

Hm so that means fullscreen mode will display the webm unless I missed something or maybe too drastic of a change and maybe 4.0 will support it?