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transferring playlists between computer and mobile

Posted: 22 Oct 2021 22:01
by dreadstar

I have been able to use the wifi transfer to upload media in bulk to my mobile from my computer. I was also able to create / save a playlist on my computer. Is it possible to transfer the playlist to my mobile along with the actual mp3 files? i don't want to recreate my playlists on both my computer and mobile.


Re: transferring playlists between computer and mobile

Posted: 23 Oct 2021 09:52
by Lotesdelere
It should be possible only if the paths to the files are exactly the same. Which is not going to happen, especially between Windows and Android, for instance.

Re: transferring playlists between computer and mobile

Posted: 26 Oct 2021 14:06
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
In principles, you can write a playlist containing only relative paths to the same media and it should just work.

Re: transferring playlists between computer and mobile

Posted: 26 Oct 2021 18:30
by dreadstar
Thank you!

I was able to get the same "relative" playlist to work on my mac computers and my phone. I used this structure:


where the m3u looked like:

#EXTINF:330,artist1 - songX
#EXTINF:347,artist2 - songY.mp3