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FFmpeg 4.4 Codec in VLC Player

Posted: 19 May 2021 14:40
by Mirko92
Hi people,

on April 8th 2021, a new version of the FFmpeg 4.4 "Rao" library was released. This update closes a security gap that could allow attackers to execute malicious code on a client.
I wanted to ask if the new library has been added with the latest release of the VLC player 3.0.14? Or is there a way to manually add the latest FFMPEG package into the VLC player?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Source (German/CERT Bund):

Re: FFmpeg 4.4 Codec in VLC Player

Posted: 22 May 2021 11:52
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
VLC 3.0.14 ships with FFmpeg version from git hash eaff5fcb7cde8d1614755269773d471d3a3d1bfc, if you use VideoLAM buids. Other builds may use other version.

You can always recompile if you want something else.