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Move to certain time on progress bar

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 22:40
by Jakov93
Hi All

Please how I can move or jump to a certain time on the progress bar of a player
for example if I click on the time 1:20, it will play from 1:14 or 1:25, but not from 1:20 (not the exact time that I want)
so, how to fix this problem?
keep in mind that all multimedia players have the same problem as I know (My app: VLC, Splash, MPC).
Is there any player has not this problem or does not behave as I mentioned.


Re: Move to certain time on progress bar

Posted: 01 May 2021 09:43
by Lotesdelere
Any video player needs a reference frame for displaying an image, otherwise it will show only a partial image at best.
This reference frame is called an I-frame and is the first frame of a Group Of Pictures (GOP), so any player must align to the nearest I-frame and depending on the size of the GOP you cannot start the playback at the exact time you want.
There is nothing you can do.

Re: Move to certain time on progress bar

Posted: 06 May 2021 02:57
by Jakov93
Thanks so much my bro for this information
Best Regards