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How to add a file to the playlist without its existence verification?

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 21:43
by DynV
I'm currently downloading a file which the temporary name contains the final name. I know by the time my playlist will be finished, it will have its final name. I'm trying to add the final filename but there's a popup that the file was not found. Is there a way for the file addition to not have the file existence verification upon the addition (only when it's its turn in the queue) ?

Thank you kindly

The forum choice for my problem was confusing, in the forum listing it's emphasized to ensure the problem is general and in the Windows section, it's even worse with the red coloring. Please move this thread if my choice was wrong.

Re: How to add a file to the playlist without its existence verification?

Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:17
by Lotesdelere
Try this:

Menu Tools -> Preferences (Show settings = All) -> Playlist
Then on the right panel untick "Automatically preparse items"
Save, exit and restart VLC.

Re: How to add a file to the playlist without its existence verification?

Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:32
by DynV
untick "Automatically preparse items"
Save, exit and restart VLC.
Sadly that doesn't let me add the upcoming filename.

Re: How to add a file to the playlist without its existence verification?

Posted: 18 Apr 2021 21:38
by mederi
Media > Open Location from clipboard Ctrl+V > [URL or path] > Enqueue

Re: How to add a file to the playlist without its existence verification?

Posted: 18 Apr 2021 22:23
by DynV
Moderators: Could you mark this thread as solved? I can neither seem to do it from the thread tool not editing the OP.
Media > Open Location from clipboard Ctrl+V > [URL or path] > Enqueue
:D 👍
It got added, I then reverted changes from post #2, was added again, and finally when the file ended up with its final name, I set the track near its end and the new file started to play.