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Posted: 17 Apr 2021 21:21
by crogonint
First off, this is in Linux (but I don't think Linux is relevant). I have version I want to use VLC to play the background ambient mood and music audio for my RPG sessions. I want it to stay in the background unless I pull it up. I want the Spectrum visualization to stay in the corner, and the playlist to stay displayed like I have it in the image... link. (How do I attach a screenshot??)

How do I make the screen stay like this, and not pop-up or hide the playlist when the visualization changes?

Is this possible??

Re: Layout

Posted: 18 Apr 2021 08:42
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Disable embedded video and enable always-on-top?

Re: Layout

Posted: 18 Apr 2021 21:22
by crogonint
Disable embedded video and enable always-on-top?
I don't see an 'Embedded Video' option. If you're referring to the 'Integrate Video in Interface' checkbox, then no, that simply pulls the visualization out of the playlist, and then the visualization pops up every time the song changes.

I found a 'Always on Top' checkbox in the View menu, which seemed to force the window to gain focus, until I minimized it of course. It didn't seem to have any effect on the behaviour or layout of the window, however.

If you are referring to some advanced settings that I don't know where they are, you'll have to give me instructions on finding them, sorry about that. :/