VlcControl connection starts up slowly and stream has long delay when connecting over internet.
I have a winforms app (C#, Win 10) which use VlcControl to play camera stream. On local network it works fine,
but over internet the connection to the camera starts up slowly ... 12 s.
If I use Vlc command-line, the connection is fast on local network and over internet.
Command-line is (no command-line options, I have not change preferences - default) like this:
vlc.exe rtsp://SCam2:pswabc@
In VclControl app (use vlcwinforms NuGet) I use the following method:
vlcControl1.Play(new Uri("rtsp://SCam2:pswabc@"));
In VclControl app I have two VclMediaplayerOptions: :network-caching=2000 and :sout-mux-caching=1500
and have tried to solve problem with many other options with no luck.
I have used WireShark to find out the problem. I found out the following difference between
VlcControl and Vlc command-line method (Vcl sends to camera) during connection:
Vlc Commanline sends: Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=PLAY
VlcControl sends: Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;mode=PLAY;source=;client_port=54806-54807;server_port=40030-40031;ssrc=0
This is the only difference I have found out.
What can I do to get VlcControl to send the same Transport as Vcl Command-line or is there some other way to speed up
the connection with VclControl?
I have tried four different cameras and all of them have the same problem.
VLC media player version is and VlcControl (Vlc.DotNet.Forms - NuGet) version is 3.1.0.