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Unable to play a particular Flash animation in VLC

Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:20
by RussianHillCosmist

I have an Adobe Flash/Shockwave animation file of an astronomical slideshow accompanied by a wonderfully spooky score that was published a a couple of decades ago by Australian web designer Richard Pree. As most if not all of you know, Adobe chose to terminate Flash Player with extreme prejudice last week, thus leaving me unable to play this video in browser or on ANY version of VLC (or any other player), whether it be on macOS, iOS, or Windows 10. Attempts at conversion to other formats via also yield unhappy results.

The file in question can be downloaded from here: ... e.swf?dl=0

As you can see, the music plays perfectly in VLC but the slideshow is replaced by a blank screen. Is there any possibility of the VLC engineering cognoscenti taking a look and potentially modified the code to permit full playback at some point in the future? Needless to say, any such efforts would be most greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Re: Unable to play a particular Flash animation in VLC

Posted: 04 Jan 2021 15:15
by Lotesdelere
I'm not a specialist of Flash, but the header of your file starts with FWS whilst the other SWF files I have start with CWS.
Looks like your file has an embedded player which might be the problem.

It works with the official Flash stand-alone player though, which is still available here: ... _32_sa.exe

Re: Unable to play a particular Flash animation in VLC

Posted: 04 Jan 2021 19:52
by RussianHillCosmist
It works with the official Flash stand-alone player though, which is still available here: ... _32_sa.exe
Ah! I had no idea such a thing even existed. Much obliged. :D