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Accessing password protected IP camera via RTSP

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 18:01
by abhishekdvirus
Hi folks,

I am trying to access my camera but the password has an @ symbol.

Stream link - rtsp://username:p@ssword@

Connection failed:
VLC could not connect to "ssword@".
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtsp://username:p@ssword@'. Check the log for details.

Please help.

Re: Accessing password protected IP camera via RTSP

Posted: 27 May 2021 08:47
by aik
same issue, annoying :(

Re: Accessing password protected IP camera via RTSP

Posted: 27 May 2021 10:16
by InTheWings

Re: Accessing password protected IP camera via RTSP

Posted: 06 May 2023 17:25
by DuluthSecurityNeeds
I am surprised that this is still an unanswered question three years later...

Re: Accessing password protected IP camera via RTSP

Posted: 06 May 2023 19:15
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Except for the fact that there was an answer 2 years ago, you mean? Did you actually try to escape the password as InTheWings pointed out? If that doesn't work, why do you expect an answer if you won't provide more details?

And it shouldn't be surprising that user errors for which the solution is literally part of the relevant standards go unanswered in a support forum run entirely by volunteers.

Re: Accessing password protected IP camera via RTSP

Posted: 12 May 2023 23:20
by sedak
I haven't checked the last version, but it still seems unsupported on VLC. I just checked ubuntu 22.04 4version 3.0.16.

VLC Android seems to have an input for RTSP user & password, but it didn't work for me.

The syntax works perfectly with mplayer.
They do a DESCRIBE, which reply a WWW-Authenticate header with a nonce.
The player then does a SETUP with an Authorization header with nonce and response then it's unlocked.

Not sure if it's the official standard. Tested on a HikVision camera.

I guess the next step is to check the latest version for this support and open an issue on VLC.

Re: Accessing password protected IP camera via RTSP

Posted: 13 May 2023 09:23
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Ubuntu has disabled RTSP in VLC, password or not.