- The original was in portait mode, and I cropped the video to an aspect ratio of 1:1
- I sized the window to show just the cropped 1:1 image
- I changed the view to "Minimal Interface"
- I shared screen in Zoom, selecting the VLC window
- I used the hotkey <space> to start the video
- I realized the video was not cued to the beginning, so I right-clicked to get the menue and clicked "|<< previous"
- The window automatically resized to a landscape aspect ration (which was undesirable)
- The video properly restarted at the beginning, but showed only a black screen - both in my local window and over Zoom. The sound was correct.
If I try the same sequence without sharing the screen, the window still resizes automatically, but the video is displayed properly.
This is with VLC 3.0.11 on Windows 7 (and Zoom 5.2.2).