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Radio streams

Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:47
by vlcoolio

First of all thank you for VLC - it is a beautiful piece of software and amazing media player.

I have a question in regards to radio streams.

I am in Australia, but for past few weeks whenever I listen to Italian or French or American radio stations - my local government’s advertisement will be inserted into the radio stream.

Are these local advertisements a new feature of VLC and if they are, is there a way to disable them from playing?

Re: Radio streams

Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:50
by Lotesdelere
That doesn't come from VLC but from the radio stream itself.
We got the same "issue" here on some streams as the result of the new digital world of today: ads, ads, ads everywhere.

Re: Radio streams

Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:59
by vlcoolio
I am glad it is not from VLC, my favorite player.

Then I will say it is not a nice thing do to by my local government - they got TV and newspapers for the advertisements....

Thank you for clarification Lotesdelere :)