lua error on capture of video
Posted: 30 May 2020 13:14
Get the following error even after updating lua file.
lua error: Couldn't extract youtube video URL, please check for updates to this script
main info: playlist is empty
Ran this new lua below and saved as a luac:
Reguarding the above lua file I am not sure how to know if lua file is current version? Maybe I need another link?
This problem is occuring on my main desktop running Windows 10 Pro and also on my lab desktop running Linux Mint. Problems happens on Firefox and Chrome. Common denominator is YouTube?
lua error: Couldn't extract youtube video URL, please check for updates to this script
main info: playlist is empty
Ran this new lua below and saved as a luac:
Reguarding the above lua file I am not sure how to know if lua file is current version? Maybe I need another link?
This problem is occuring on my main desktop running Windows 10 Pro and also on my lab desktop running Linux Mint. Problems happens on Firefox and Chrome. Common denominator is YouTube?