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Showing an image (not album art) while playing an MP3 in a playlist

Posted: 20 May 2020 10:40
by mekondelta

I have an MP3 file that I want to play as part of a playlist of MP4 video files. As there's no video for the MP3, I'd like to use an image file to display only while the MP3 is playing. I can't find an EXTVLCOPT declaration to do this for me. I don't want/can't use album art for various reasons.

I'm hoping there would be something like:-

Code: Select all

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:1257,my mp3 ../media/a-mi-da-phat.mp3 #EXTVLCOPT:picture-override=../images/pic.jpg #EXTVLCOPT:start-time=0 #EXTVLCOPT:stop-time=1257
but I can't find anything. I would love to see a list of all the VLC options I could add to M3u files. I read that

Code: Select all

VLC --longhelp --advanced
would give me a reference but I can't seem to translate any of them into workable declarations in the M3U file.

Any help appreciated! :-)

Re: Showing an image (not album art) while playing an MP3 in a playlist

Posted: 20 May 2020 11:47
by mederi
Try input-slave

Re: Showing an image (not album art) while playing an MP3 in a playlist

Posted: 20 May 2020 12:07
by mekondelta
Try input-slave
Thank you mederi!

Looking through the internet, I can't see how I can get

Code: Select all

to work. The example you've sent suggests creating a new MP4 from the MP3+image. Would you know how I can add it into my .M3U file please?

Re: Showing an image (not album art) while playing an MP3 in a playlist

Posted: 20 May 2020 14:00
by mederi
main error: unsafe option "input-slave" has been ignored for security reasons
I am sorry, the option does not work in a playlist.