Solved: VLC selects always second audio track

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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 22 Apr 2020 19:30
VLC version: 3.0.3
Operating System: Windows

Solved: VLC selects always second audio track

Postby papekh » 23 Apr 2020 19:49

If I start the VLC version 3.0.3 with an MP4 file containing two audio tracks,
it always selects the second track, not the first one.
Is there a preference in any languages? First track is German, second English.

In fact, it has: By default it would select English as audio track.
In the audio setting it has an option to set preferred audio track,
I selected German and now it plays German at the start.
If there ist no language specified in the track info, it plays the first track.

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