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Play an mp4 at 1 frame per minute

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:01
by uborg720

New to these forums and hoping I could get some help.
My question is:
What's the slowest theoretically possible speed that you can watch a video at using VLC? Assuming the video is an mp4 of a screen record.

The motivation is:
I like watching video games at super slow speed to analyze the animation and use vlc to watch videos in super slow motion, but I want to optimize my process. My workflow is to screen record a match on youtube at .067 speed (the slowest possible), play it back in VLC at 0.25 speed while doing another screen record, and then screen record that. This way I'm watching it at .0041875 fps. I'm not totally confident that that's how the math works, but what I do know is that I want to go even slower.

My first idea is to convert an mp4 to a set of jpgs and then play back that set of jpg's at whatever rate I want. But I know not how to do either the "converting to a set of jpgs part" or the "playback of a set of jpgs" part. Is it possible to do either of these things within VLC?

More importantly, is there a better way to achieve what I'm aiming for?

From the searches I did before asking this, it seems like this is a variant of a question that's been asked before - and the responses were "VLC is bad at playing low frame rate videos." But I feel like those questions had to do with videos which were encoded to be slow, not videos that are encoded at a regular speed, and what I'm trying to do is much simpler than what it seemd other posts were asking. These videos are just for my personal use, I don't need to do any editing of them, and - most importantly - i do not need any audio at all. I'm working on the assumption that a video file is just a collection of still images, and that there should be a way to control the rate at which those images are displayed.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Re: Play an mp4 at 1 frame per minute

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:56
by Lotesdelere
VLC has troubles for playing low FPS videos, it's a known issue for a long time and still awaiting for a fix.
It should be fixed with VLC v4.x, so you may want to try a VLC 4.0.0 nightly build: