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Is there a way to continuously display titles in VLC 3.x?

Posted: 06 Feb 2020 16:28
by wychelm
Hi folks,

I'm looking at different media players as to display video in a museum setting and one of our requirements is to display some title metadata constantly overlaid over the video, so people can understand what they're looking at.

It seems like this may have been possible using marquee options in VLC 2.x, but as far as I can see, that isn't supported any longer in 3.x.

If anyone has any pointers, that would be fantastic - would be great to stick to VLC if possible.

Many thanks!

Re: Is there a way to continuously display titles in VLC 3.x?

Posted: 07 Feb 2020 17:55
by mederi
You can create subtitle files containing information you want to be displayed within your video files. You can write a VLC Extension Lua script that can help you to generate them automatically, then you can edit them manually.
Next option is to use VLC Extension called Time (current version 3.2):
Its main purpose is to display a running time in a playing video, but it already contains a name tag [n]. You can edit the "time_inf.lua" script to add a tag for metadata title if the name does not suit your needs (check another extension - Metadata over video:

Re: Is there a way to continuously display titles in VLC 3.x?

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:16
by wychelm
Great - that's really helpful. I hadn't thought about creating subs for them - that seems like a good way to go. Thanks so much!