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How to play a video while recording using command line?

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 23:56
by hirios
How to play a video while recording using command line?
I got these logs using Gui to record and play at the same time. However, I would like to do this from the command line.

Code: Select all

sout-record-dst-prefix to /home/amaimond/Vídeos/vlc-record-2019-10-01-00h01m55s-teste --sout chain="record{dst-prefix='/home/amaimond/Vídeos/vlc-record-2019-10-01-00h18m00s-teste}"

Looking at this log I found this command to write. However, it cannot play the media while recording:
vlc filename.mkv --sout="#record{dst-prefix=/home/amaimond/Vídeos/teste.mp4'}"