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Keep the voice pitch the same when speeding up

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 23:47
by nagual
Hey guys,

I am having trouble when I decide to speed up the video to 1.5x or more the voice pitch of the video goes chipmunk style.

How do I speed up the video without changing the pitch of the audio?


Re: Keep the voice pitch the same when speeding up

Posted: 02 Oct 2019 01:11
by unidan
Hi, I've never used it but you probably need to enable the scaletempo audio filter.

Re: Keep the voice pitch the same when speeding up

Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:28
by nagual
Thanks for your reply unidan,

I found the solution in case people are wondering.

Under Tools, click Preferences, at the bottom. Now, click Audio tab, at the top. Make sure that the Enable Time-Stretching audio is with a check (enabled). SAVE.