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Adding to VLC's Command Line Interface from another script?

Posted: 02 Aug 2019 09:30
by frannie
It's probably not possible but I'd still ask :)

Let's say I have vlc -I rc running and streaming over my local network. Is it somehow possible to add files to this instance's playlist from the outside, from some shell script, for example?

Some real life example: I have a shell script to browse my music library with the help of a fuzzy finder (e.g., fzf). And now, to add something to my streaming VLC, I select an album with my script, then my script creates a playlist for that album, and then copies the path to that playlist to clipboard so that after this I could switch to my vlc -I rc, tell add or enqueue, and then paste this path to the playlist from clipboard. Sure, it's not a big deal, this switching and pasting, but, of course, it would kinda easier if my script could handle this routine itself (like, after creating a playlist, it somehow could find this running vlc -I rc and tell it "hey, mate, add this path to your playlist" :))

Again, I don't really think it's possible, the command line interface accepting commands from the outside, but a confirmation would be great :). Thanks!