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Transcoding interlaced video

Posted: 20 Mar 2019 12:08
by JoeBarnett
I am trying to transcode interlaced 720x576 50i Matrox MJPEG video into 720x576 50i H264. This video is mute, no audio. I can not see how to disable the deinterlacing filter.
I have tried via the graphical interface but the output file is always progressive. As I wish to produce a script to automate the task I would prefer the command line.

I wish to retain the interlacing and field order. I have tried vlc -I dummy source.avi --sout='#transcode{vcodec=h264, vb=4096, nodeinterlace}:standard{access=file, mux=ts, dst=destination.mp4}' vlc://quit and vlc -I dummy source.avi --sout='#transcode{vcodec=h264, vb=4096, -deinterlace}:standard{access=file, mux=ps, dst=destination.mp4}' vlc://quit both of which produce a progressive output. I have checked the deinterlace setting in preferences but I understand this setting is only for playback.

Is there a way to turn off deinterlacing on the command line?

Re: Transcoding interlaced video

Posted: 20 Mar 2019 16:05
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
--sout-deinterlace-mode discard

Re: Transcoding interlaced video

Posted: 20 Mar 2019 17:27
by JoeBarnett
According to the documentation, Discard means "Only display one of the half-pictures, discard the other. Other name: "single field". Both temporal and vertical spatial resolutions are halved."
I need to process the video as interlaced source file to interlaced destination file.

Re: Transcoding interlaced video

Posted: 21 Mar 2019 19:40
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Ah right, sorry. What if you disable auto-deinterlacing ?