My issue is that when recording with VLC, sometimes Audio = Stream 1, and Video = Stream 2. This is fine for playback if there is no pause in the recording. However, when there is a pause, two recording files are created, and for some reason the audio and video streams will be flipped. The issue I'm having is that when I mux the two recording files (i.e. segments), only part of the muxed output plays back (the other part has the streams flipped and looks/sounds as though it is a corrupt file).
I know it is possible to flip the streams with ffmpeg (ffmpeg.exe -i "input.flv" -map 0:1 -map 0:0 -c copy output.flv). However, I can't find any equivalent in VLC. It seems like there should be a command line tool that would force the video to always map to stream 1, so that this issue doesn't occur. Or at the very least, a command that will check whether segments' streams match, and flip any that don't, prior to muxing them together.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!