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VLC Jump forward backward screwed up, always has been
Posted: 15 Jan 2019 20:45
by Adjunction
In some videos(most that I watch), if I try to jump forward < 10 seconds or so, say one second, the video actually skips backwards.
It's as if there are only certain time points where one can skip to and they are clamped(Like at key frames) and if one skips 3 second forward and the key frame is at actually at 2 seconds then it skips only two seconds. Usually what happens though is that it never skips forward for short jump times.
Whatever the actual problem it is very annoying because it becomes impossible to skip short times which is required in some cases for precise seeking.
There is a solution... If VLC has to render frames to properly seek to the location then I'd rather wait a second for it to get to the proper location(although it should be able to render them faster so it doesn't make it moot)... but having it not moving at all or moving backwards is far worse cause it makes it pointless too even have a short jump setting.
Re: VLC Jump forward backward screwed up, always has been
Posted: 05 Feb 2019 14:28
by Adjunction
So, no one cares?
Re: VLC Jump forward backward screwed up, always has been
Posted: 05 Feb 2019 17:02
by chubinou
In "tools > preferences > Input/codecs", you can modify the "Fast Seek" option if you want seeks to jump to key frames or to a precise time
Re: VLC Jump forward backward screwed up, always has been
Posted: 10 Mar 2019 13:20
by dnbdave
In "tools > preferences > Input/codecs", you can modify the "Fast Seek" option if you want seeks to jump to key frames or to a precise time
Registered finally to simply say thanks for pointing me at the Fast Seek as the culprit there. Seems to have been the problem. Short jumps forward instantly stopped "catching" at certain intervals and now seem to flow normally on all mp4's so far for me, size irrespective.
Re: VLC Jump forward backward screwed up, always has been
Posted: 02 May 2019 10:13
by pderocco
This isn't working for me. Regardless of what I set "Fast seek" to, I get seemingly random jumping on lots of files, mostly DVD rips (.mpg files). In my experience, this hasn't always been the case. I don't recall having problems until about a year ago.
Re: VLC Jump forward backward screwed up, always has been
Posted: 22 Jun 2019 03:28
by doc289456
I have this issue too.
I seek forward 10sec at a time (arrow keys) it will jump backward sometimes minutes behind where I want to be.
Hover the mouse over seek bar and use mouse wheel, it will do very similar.
Some times even manually clicking on the seek bar will cause the video to jump backwards minutes behind where I actually selected.
I have tried setting fast seek on & off (On is worse but even with off its bad)
I have tried all the hardware-accelerated decoding options without any improvement.
I typically use .ts files but see similar results with .m4v, .mkv, .mp4 & .avi files (some improvement though).
It seems the higher the bitrate & resolution the worse it is
This never happens with the same files in MPCHC
How do I fix this?
Re: VLC Jump forward backward screwed up, always has been
Posted: 06 Sep 2019 13:20
by doc289456
Anyone got any help here
Re: VLC Jump forward backward screwed up, always has been
Posted: 03 Oct 2019 21:45
by biggod
try in Tools > Preferences > Input/Codecs set Hardware-accelerated decoding to Disable and uncheck Fast seek. After this, restart VLC.
Re: VLC Jump forward backward screwed up, always has been
Posted: 05 Oct 2019 00:36
by doc289456
biggod. I tried those options with no change. I still get the video jumping forwards or backwards minutes away from where it should be when using arrow keys to seek.