MJPEG streaming errors

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MJPEG streaming errors

Postby ttimpe » 24 Dec 2018 00:20

Hello everyone,

I have been running VLC as a streaming server for a webcam on a Raspberry Pi for a while now and the stream works both in VLC and Chrome/Firefox. However, when I try to open it in Safari on desktop or mobile, I either just get a blank page or the good old "plugin missing" question mark.

I am using a Logitech C270 webcam, a Raspberry Pi 3 (enough CPU to do this) and the following command to initiate the stream;

Code: Select all

cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 --v4l2-width 1280 --v4l2-height 720 --v4l2-chroma MJPG --v4l2-hflip 1 --v4l2-vflip 1 --sout '#standard{access=http{mime=multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--7b3cc56e5f51db803f790dad720ed50a},mux=mpjpeg,dst=:8554/}' -I dummy
Apart from these errors, probably jusat regarding audio and a missing display, everything seems fine on the server end:

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[0099cd28] pulse audio output error: PulseAudio server connection failure: Connection refused [009ac228] core interface error: no suitable interface module [00902918] core libvlc error: interface "globalhotkeys,none" initialization failed [009ac290] dbus interface error: Failed to connect to the D-Bus session daemon: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11 [009ac290] core interface error: no suitable interface module [00902918] core libvlc error: interface "dbus,none" initialization failed [009ac268] dummy interface: using the dummy interface module...
When playing back in regular VLC on desktop, I get the stream just fine, however, this error keep showing up:
[mjpeg @ 0x1038f5800] No JPEG data found in image

I've been comparing my stream with others that do work and noticed that in my case, VLC seems to be sending a Content-Length header with the value of 0, which would explain, why there is no JPEG data.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue before?

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