Convert .gbs to .mid?

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Convert .gbs to .mid?

Postby tajmahal » 15 Dec 2018 13:03


I just noticed that VLC can play back .gbs (GameBoy Sound) files, which is awesome!

I now wonder if there is any way to have VLC convert them to MIDI files. Can VLC do this?

Kind regards,

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Convert .gbs to .mid?

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 16 Dec 2018 20:18

No and I'm not sure if that's even theoretically feasible.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Convert .gbs to .mid?

Postby tajmahal » 21 Dec 2018 16:39

Well, this tutorial suggests a rather cumbersome way to do it (by having a so-called "rerecording emulator" run a Lua script which is supposed to output midi of what the emulator is currently playing back): ... bs.420616/

I haven't tried this myself, but from reading the tutorial, it sounds like it might work. So I guess, while VLC is unfortunately not able to pull this off at the moment, it is indeed theoretically feasible.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Convert .gbs to .mid?

Postby tajmahal » 28 Dec 2018 22:48

I just tried the process described in the tutorial above, and I got a pretty accurate MIDI file out of it. Instruments weren't correct, and the delta-time unit wasn't aligned to something sensible (e.g. a quarter note), but the actual notes themselves were just fine, and properly split up into individual tracks.

So this is definitely doable! (If someone is willing to implement it in VLC. :))

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