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VLC Window Placement on Monitor

Posted: 24 Aug 2018 18:06
by Hydrad
The VLC window always comes up with the controls placed below the bottom of my monitor screen. I have a bunch of short video clips that I need to look at and quickly freeze so that I can look at some numbers, but the clip ends before I can re-position the screen to get access to the controls. Is there a way to make the initial VLC window be fully contained within my monitor screen, so that I can immediately access the controls. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: VLC Window Placement on Monitor

Posted: 22 Sep 2018 16:19
by 1010011010

Make sure that 'resize video' is not selected in preferences then just open VLC, resize the window to whatever you like then add videos to playlist amd play them. I think this is what your asking unless im missing something.

You can also just use the hotkeys - space bar to pause (freeze?) the video and not use the mouse controls at all.

Hope this helps