1) strange tag adds to videos 2) where is the log file?

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1) strange tag adds to videos 2) where is the log file?

Postby Orrymain » 01 Jul 2018 03:49

HI. Just for FYI, I have the current version and I use WIN 7 (don't know if that matters or not).

Today I was playing a folder of music and when I returned to the computer, I saw a message about two files that couldn't play. The message said to check the log for details. I searched for a log file and could not find one. I came here and found an old topic on this from 2009 and tried finding it by using the information there, but could not. I've searched app data and the vlc folder for "log" and for "vlc-log.txt" (the 2009 label given). I visually looked in the folders and could not find anything that remotely looked like a log. I also checked my preferences in VLC, looking at each tab, and didn't see anything that spoke about a log either. So, Q1 -- where is this mysterious log file? I've been able to figure out the issue with the playback, which has nothing to do with VLC, but I'd like to know where the log is for easier troubleshooting in the future.

My next question is that earlier this year I downloaded a BBC podcast and for some really odd reason, the little box that is the symbol for that podcast shows up. It doesn't do it all the time, but many times it shows the 2x2 inch box with the name of the podcast on it. Any idea what triggers it or how to get rid of it? This was the BBC main site so there's no reason to assume any mal-intent. The podcast isn't on my computer any longer and hasn't been for a while, but every day, for some random videos, that small box symbol appears in front of the videos. Any clues as to why that is happening and/or how to stop it?


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Re: 1) strange tag adds to videos 2) where is the log file?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 01 Jul 2018 15:22

2. Ctrl+M, verbosity to 2.

1. No idea. Does it appear in the Metadata view? Ctrl+I ?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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New Cone
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Re: 1) strange tag adds to videos 2) where is the log file?

Postby Orrymain » 01 Jul 2018 17:54

My goodness ----- just discovered a whole lot of stuff that I have no clue what it is. I know the playlist, of course, but I've never clicked on all those other things before. No clue what all that is under "Internet" but it sure brings up a lot of stuff. Anyway, found the metadata thing and will check that the next time the box pops up. Will also try the 'log' thing for the next error and see what happens. Thanks for the reply. I'll response more when I know something.

New Cone
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Re: 1) strange tag adds to videos 2) where is the log file?

Postby Orrymain » 02 Jul 2018 02:34

Okay - the little box showed up again. I checked metadata and it doesn't show anything there. I guess it doesn't really help anything but it's a little frustrating to see it there so often for no reason.

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