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Remove an Audio Track with VLC

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 13:57
by samuel.t2
Hi there

I'm using VLC since years and loved it ever since. But I stumbled across a new challenge (at least for me).
Got some MKV files which I'd like to watch on my iPhone. I converted them to .mp4-Files (h264 & AAC), imported them in iTunes and synced them to my iPhone.
But - the MKV file has two audio tracks (DE and EN). Playing them on my iPhone results in a audio-mess; both tracks are playing simultaneously.
I searched through Google and this Forum but wasn't able to find a solution without having to install another third party tool.

Is there a solution, to remove an audio track from an .mp4-File with VLC (VLC CLI)?

Thank you very much for your very appreciated help.

Re: Remove an Audio Track with VLC

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 20:53
by mederi
Try to convert source mkv files with following additional options:
:no-sout-all :audio-track=0

Re: Remove an Audio Track with VLC

Posted: 03 Apr 2018 14:06
by samuel.t2
this could work, too, thanks. yesterday i used ffmpeg to map audio tracks and video - worked like a charm. but my understanding is, that vlc also includes the ffmpeg library and i could solve this via CLI, like you proposed. will try it next time.

Re: Remove an Audio Track with VLC

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:23
by bmiller
I use MKVToolnix to unselect the audio and subtitles i don't want, remultiplex and all is good. Free program. Convert them to .mp4 after that.