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Automatically loading media capture device

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 21:34
by PoeWest
Hi Everyone,

As I am sure everyone will see, I am new to VLC functionality. I am wondering if anyone can point me in the general direction of how to make VLC at startup (either of the computer or through opening VLC) automatically open a capture device, set it to 30 FPS, and rotate it 180 degrees. I know how to do those things via the gui but I am curious if it is possible to automate those tasks.

Basically my setup is that I have a webcam attached to a ceiling (hence the rotate 180 degrees) and whenever VLC is opened I would like that to automatically show the webcam video. I am not interested in recording any of the information.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Re: Automatically loading media capture device

Posted: 20 Jan 2018 20:00
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You should get the URL generated when you play this device. Then you can put that in preferences and it will always load that.