
For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 03 Jan 2018 02:11


Postby Paleoman » 03 Jan 2018 02:36

I am quite the newbie to this field but have been using VLC for quite some time as a video player. My question is can I use the feed from a dash-cam and stream it to a laptop (old panasonic toughbook running vista with chrome as the browser)? I did multiple web searches but cant find squat other than sale information and dash-cam software for sale but no real relevant information on how to procede with what the dash cam is recording. Any info is greatly appreciated. PS I read the rules and info page so I hope I am following all the norms. I honestly have no idea which topic this falls under since every search I did on this subject produced absolutely nothing. If I am blatantly violating any forum rules I sincerely apologize and will correct any issues, Thank you.

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