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Filter-Clone each window different preferences

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 21:59
by donk

my Setup is a Win10 PC with VLC Player 2.2.6 "Umbrella". As a 2nd monitor is a hardware videomixer.
On my main monitor should be the VLC Placer with Interface and one of the clone vout window.
My windows 2nd monitor (the hardware videomixer). here should run my second clone vout window.
How can i set my preferences, so that.... 2nd clone vout window starts in fullscreenmode on the 2nd monitor
...and my VLC Interface and my 1st clone runs on my 1rst monitor.

thanks for advice.


Re: Filter-Clone each window different preferences

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 17:01
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
So far, this is not simple to do automatically.