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Incorrect? tags displayed by VLC

Posted: 19 Sep 2017 13:20
by 14geronimo
The tags displayed in VLC for ARTIST, ALBUM, GENRE, TRACK (and maybe other fields) differ from those presented by Mp3tag (v2.83) and Windows Explorer (Properties > Details) – see screenshots. This applies to VLC 2.0.6 for Android (running on Android Nougat) and VLC 2.2.4 for Windows (running on Windows 10), and presumably also to other platforms.

Is this expected behaviour, and how can I force VLC to display the "proper" tags, i.e. those I see in Mp3tag and Windows Explorer?

Many thanks in advance!

Re: Incorrect? tags displayed by VLC

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 12:19
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Probably a file with multiple tagging. File a bugreport.

Re: Incorrect? tags displayed by VLC

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 12:03
by totnesfrank
Also some errors in MacOS 10.12.6 iTunes but only on two tunes where album is shown as title and genre is changed too. Originally 192kbps, I change them to 160kbps and VLC now recognises the correct tags. I use VLC playlists so I don’t open iTunes, as I have an enormous collection of tunes but I only play favs which change over time. I have tunes with kbps of 30 for GoonShows and 320kbps for purchases from Amazon downloads. I change them 160kbps to keep space for more music. Not a VLC bug, maybe a download error.