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Is there any way to pre-set certain options in the playlist?

Posted: 12 Sep 2017 22:27
by rado84
In the playlist I can see there's a setting for network caching:

Code: Select all

<track> <location>*************************</location> <extension application=""> <vlc:id>0</vlc:id> <vlc:option>network-caching=1000</vlc:option> </extension> </track>
So I'm thinking may be there's a way to do the same with these two options: Deinterlacing ON, Deinterlacing type Yadiff x2. But I don't know the syntax, so I'll appreciate your help with that.

Re: Is there any way to pre-set certain options in the playlist?

Posted: 13 Sep 2017 14:09
by InTheWings
Options are same as command line options, which are same as modules variables.

./vlc --help | grep deinter
VLC media player 3.0.0-git Vetinari (revision 2.2.0-git-14502-g0241090)
--deinterlace {0 (Non), -1 (Automatique), 1 (Oui)}
--deinterlace-mode {auto,discard,blend,mean,bob,linear,x,yadif,yadif2x,phosphor,ivtc}
--global-key-deinterlace <Chaîne>
--key-deinterlace <Chaîne> Mode de désentrelacement
--global-key-deinterlace-mode <Chaîne>
--key-deinterlace-mode <Chaîne>


You'll find the rest

Re: Is there any way to pre-set certain options in the playlist?

Posted: 13 Sep 2017 14:48
by rado84
I wrote these lines

Code: Select all

<vlc:option>network-caching=1000</vlc:option> <vlc:option>deinterlace=1</vlc:option> <vlc:option>deinterlace-mode=yadif2x</vlc:option>
But these annoying transparent lines are still in the image of the TV channel: ... 7118_o.jpg
I know I can set this thing in the preferences but then it will be applied on all channels. Since that problem is only with one channel, I wanna set it in the playlist, so that the other channels don't get affected by these options.

Re: Is there any way to pre-set certain options in the playlist?

Posted: 14 Sep 2017 00:03
by InTheWings
Deinterlace should be triggered automatically !
If it does not, that probably means the video has been reencoded without deinterlaced, so it's "burned in" progressive :/