Select video track with comand line or vlm file

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Select video track with comand line or vlm file

Postby alekos1217 » 09 May 2017 18:54

Hi, I have a .mkv file with 4 differents videos tracks in it.
I want to keep my .mkv file like this but i want to choose a specific track to be played with command line.
If possible i would like to choose it in my vlm file input :

Code: Select all

setup channel1 input file:///video.mkv
My .mkv file have been created with ffmpeg like this:

Code: Select all

ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -i 2.mp4 -i 3.mp4 -i 4.mp4 -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -map 2:0 -map 3:0 -c:v copy video.mkv
I've see the parameter "--audio-track" for the audio tracks but "--video-track" doesn't exist.

Someone have a solution ?

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