I'm bummed to see that. But happy to see it too!
But I have to post this since I did the work. Hopefully 3.0.0 is good, but at least I have to post this.
I sketched this up last night. It works for multiple files dragged onto the .bat:
Code: Select all
FOR %%A IN (%*) DO (
cmd /c vlc.exe -I dummy "%%~nxA" --sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=mp3,ab=96,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access=file,mux=mp3,dst=""} vlc://quit
ren "}" ""
it takes a file name(or more) and makes a new mp3 file:
"Holy Smoke.mp4" will produce audio file "Holy Smoke.mp3"
"I'll Wait.mp4" makes "I'll Wait.mp3"
There's a limitation to how many files you will be able to drop on it because the commandline only has an 8192 character input buffer. You can change that if you want: ... workaround
Or just do this. Make a folder called "z" on the C drive. So then pull all your mp4's into that "C:\z" folder... -instead of them being in, for example, "C:\Users\Winemaker Bobsled\Videos\potential music\hacked youtube songs"(<- that's where you eat up all the buffer). At this rate, maybe you can drag up to about 400 songs onto it at once... Wow, that might take a couple hours of processing.
Anyway, you can save this script as a batch file in that same directory and start dragging a group of files at once, then let it finish them... it'll probably take 15 to 20 seconds for the length of a 3 to 5 min song and it keeps looping as far as it can go for how many files you dragged onto it, or however many the buffer will hold at once, then you can continue where it left off if it didn't get them all.
btw, if you have a problem saving it as a real batch file, open the file, use save as, then add quotes around file name when you rename it "vlcohshitloop.bat". (this is due to Windows default setting for "hide extensions for known file types").