Playing 2 videos on 2 different devices

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Playing 2 videos on 2 different devices

Postby sven1984 » 05 Apr 2017 09:23


for a theatre stage work I would need to have 2 different videos playing simultaneously on two different device (Windows PC monitor and Android smartphone) both with VLC. I would need to control the playback of both videos only by the cell VLC player (play, pause, stop and other player commands) so that every time I pause, for example, the video on the phone also the video on the monitor would pause in synch. There’s a way to do it without scripting or command line? I’m not a programmer.

Thanks in advance for every kind if help.


Big Cone-huna
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Re: Playing 2 videos on 2 different devices

Postby zcot » 05 Apr 2017 21:11

You can try the web interface. It will allow you to use the Windows PC monitor as the host. You will run vlc there and can preload the video, and it will also run a web interface in the background so that you can get to it from the phone and use controls(you could also load the video from the phone if you want). This is the easy way. You'll have a slight delay, but you can work out the latency just practice a few times if you need to pause at a very exact spot.

Here's the idea, see what you think: ... -a-remote/

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Re: Playing 2 videos on 2 different devices

Postby sven1984 » 06 Apr 2017 09:39

Thanks so much.
This seems quite useful, even if maybe I would need something more immediate, but I’ll test it asap. Anyway there’s something I don’t understand: is this way capable of playing two different videos in the devices (one in the monitor the other in the smartphone) allowing to control the playback of both video in synch only by the smartphone?
The delay could also be a problem due to the fact I need an exact, precisely synchronized starting of both videos when I press the “play” on the phone’s VLC.

Thanks for any further helps and advices.

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Playing 2 videos on 2 different devices

Postby zcot » 06 Apr 2017 14:41

With that particular method you will not be able to play videoA on the Windows PC and videoB on the phone synced, no.

The delay I'm talking about is related to pausing.. like you would need to hit the pause button on the phone 2 or 300 milliseconds early or something.

As for running 2 separate videos separately but synced, I guess it could be done but you're talking about scripting up something pretty unique. May be various ways to do it, maybe customize the available syncplay extension or something, or I don't know if you can trick syncplay to doing it right off by naming the videos exactly the same name perhaps? or vlc-sync.

syncplay for vlc and vlc-sync:*

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New Cone
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Re: Playing 2 videos on 2 different devices

Postby sven1984 » 08 Apr 2017 12:01

This is surely a more functional way, even if SyncPaly has actually not an Android version (only Windows and Linux). There’s a client for Android (but it looks to be very instable in terms of connection). Anyway this is could be a valid solution. Thanks.

Instead cannot find anything about vlc-sync? It's an extension?

Thanks a lot.

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