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VLC 2.2.4 Coverting Webm to MP4

Posted: 03 Mar 2017 19:54
by Miked1960
using Ant I downloaded youtube video it saved it to my computer as webm
I tried to covert it in VLC from webm to MP4 all I get is the video no sound.
I left the settings the way they were and even checked the box one time to use the settings that came with the video no go
is this some bug with VLC no sound just a nice looking video?

Re: VLC 2.2.4 Coverting Webm to MP4

Posted: 17 Mar 2017 20:02
by VLCwin7User
When I download webm from Youtube, I always have to download two files, an audio and a video. So, does the webm file have audio when you play it directly in VLC?

Because if I want to play webm in VLC, I load the video using the open multiple file dialogue. Then, there is a check box for "play another media synchronously (extra audio file)". Then webm plays in VLC. I would assume that then, your conversion effort would work.

I like webm better. FFmpeg can combine the audio and video without reencoding (no loss) into a single webm file that has both video and audio

It's something like ffmpeg - i video.webm -i audio.webm -acodec copy -vcodec copy -scodec copy -map_metadata 0:s:0 output.webm
I did this a while ago, so I have no idea what "-map_metadata 0:s:0" is. -scodec is subtitles.

Re: VLC 2.2.4 Coverting Webm to MP4

Posted: 17 Mar 2017 21:12
by Miked1960
the file plays ok on it's own, when I try to convert it so I can play in in the car it's a no go. only video plays after I convert it no sound.
It plays OK when put the link into VLC it will not convert if I put the link from youtube it does nothing. it should not be that hard to do. VLC should be user friendly and simple.

Re: VLC 2.2.4 Coverting Webm to MP4

Posted: 17 Mar 2017 22:48
by Lotesdelere
Recording and transcoding are somehow broken in recent builds, this is a known issue awaiting for a fix.
Meanwhile you should use an older version (v2.0.8 or 2.1.5) or a v3.0.0 nightly build.

Re: VLC 2.2.4 Coverting Webm to MP4

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 09:05
by Ningishzida
Why is there no progression bar that tells you when the file is finished...!? It's full-on guesswork!