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Recording tool delay (?)

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 17:14
by Martinet
Not sure if this is a bug or it's just something to adjust in next builds (or maybe is something that can be set on the preferences) ...

but the recording tool seems to have a delay time respect to the position inside the track when you press the button, and the actual beginning of the recorded clip, which usually begins a few seconds later than you press the button. And the same when stopping it. I am trying to split a mp3 audiotrack into multiple separate mp3 tracks, since VLC is the best and fastest way without lossing quality, but it is very difficult to record them without missing a lilttle of the beginning or including part of the beginning of the next track.

ANy help, before recurring to a video editor and doing it in a tedious way? thanks.

Re: Recording tool delay (?)

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 09:13
by Lotesdelere
For MP3s splitting the easiest friendly way on Windows is to use the freeware mp3DirectCut:

Re: Recording tool delay (?)

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 15:48
by Martinet
For MP3s splitting the easiest friendly way on Windows is to use the freeware mp3DirectCut:
thank you, I will check it out, it looks like what I need.

I must say that VLC also works fine for splitting tracks, but you need some skills,patience and several tries to select the right moment at which to click the record button for starting and stopping the recording. I was messing around yesterday with VLC and it was easier than I thought.

Re: Recording tool delay (?)

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 15:56
by Martinet
Although it is freeware, I do always scan the files before installing anything, and the file "mp3DC222.exe" is reported as malware or virus by a few scanners. Do you think they are false positives: ... 6n8qku0wy5 ... 487602147/ ... 1f62166a58


Re: Recording tool delay (?)

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 08:16
by Lotesdelere
What is making you thinking this single one is right and the 56 others ones are wrong ? :)

Re: Recording tool delay (?)

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 15:23
by Martinet
yes, what I guessed, thanks

I installed it yesterday and is excellent. Perhaps VLC could have some tool like this for splitting audios (and videos) in future updates. For having all in one, mostly ;)